Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Attorney Chalmers With an Appeal for Information on Syndication Scenario

Charles Chalmers, attorney for the "C" subclass of plaintiffs (those with unregistered works), would like input on the following question, which is holding up the settlement negotiations: "If you wrote a newspaper article in the 1980s, 1990s, or early 2000s, and the article is 'syndicated,' do you (the freelancer) get additional payment for the additional publications that use it. And if so, who pays that?" Please send responses to info@muchnick.net.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are there any updates on the negotiations?

11:03 AM  
Blogger Irv Muchnick said...

Attorney Charles Chalmers: "The last, last, very last round of reviewing necessary documents is just being finished. The main settlement document appears to be final, although it is not signed. In addition to the databases, who are very active for the defense, and several main publishers, there are another approximately 40 publishers who have to agree to this. I believe it is being reviewed by them now."

7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have these 40 publishers been given any kind of deadline or timeline for response?

9:26 AM  
Blogger Irv Muchnick said...

You know what I know about the time element of these long and difficult negotiations.

10:19 AM  

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