Monday, July 31, 2006

Et Tu, Brett?

Another old friend of mine is Brett Harvey, who is retiring as executive director of the American Society of Journalists and Authors. She worked for the Graphic Artists Guild and was on the National Executive Board of the National Writers Union when I was on the NWU staff.

In her declaration to the court last year in support of settlement approval, Brett said her ASJA responsibilities include "the dissemination of information about the class action lawsuit to writers -- both within the ASJA and outside the ASJA."

OK, Brett, don't criticize the settlement -- you can't do that -- but please commence disseminating.

What's the story behind your side's abrupt shift from "the C Reduction will never happen" to "the C Reduction could happen"? How many registered works were improperly counted as C's in the "prima face valid claims" value of $10.76 million, which itself is barely a million dollars under the $11.8 million cap that would trigger the C Reduction? How about asking some questions on behalf of the class "both within and outside ASJA" and doing some "dissemination of information"?


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